Download Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos (2011) {English with subtitles 480p [300MB] 720p [700MB] 1080p [1.1GB]. This Anime Movie is not dubbed in Hindi and available in 480p 720p 1080p. This Movie is based on Animation, Action, Adventure. It is available in Dual Audio to download. Download Now Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos (2011) in Hindi dubbed on
[imdb style=”dark”]tt1776196[/imdb]
Anime Movie Info:
- Full Name: Fullmetal Alchemist the Movie: Conqueror of Shamballa –Hagane no renkinjutsushi: Mirosu no seinaru hoshi (original title)
- Language: Hindi-Japanese
- Release Year: 2011
- Size: 300MB & 700MB 1.1GB
- Quality: 480p & 720p 1080p Bluray
- Format: Mkv
Download Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos (2011) {English with subtitles 480p [300MB] 720p [700MB] 1080p [1.1GB] ~
In the lost holy land of Milos, the Elrics search for the truth behind an unknown form of alchemy. What secrets are hidden in Milos? Riddles must be solved and dangers faced before the truth can be found.
I was fortunate enough to see this movie at Otakon, the second showing in the United States ever. (The first was a day before at the Otakon convention and I missed it due to a crisis, I would never miss it otherwise.)
The movie was Japanese audio with English subtitles, the way it should be.

Download Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos (2011) {English with subtitles} 720p [700MB]
Download Fullm3tal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos (2011) {English with subtitles} 1080p [1.1GB]
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